Thursday, April 14, 2011

Expand your Rationale

Let’s look at the words ration and rationale, because those words are part of the word rationalize. A ration is a small portion, and when we rationalize we just use a small portion of our mind to justify and manipulate and, many times, bully our point of view onto someone else. 
In these moments take time to become the witness and listen to what is being said. This is the time to breath and allow your spirit to take you into the God-Consciousness, vortex, zone or whatever name we want to call this state of Beingness .  Let  no-thing disturb your peace.  Expand your mind to be all inclusive and give up your narrow point of view.  In this moment be The All.  There is no justification when we look at situations with dollars and cents in mind, we negate the heart and love.  Business can be a gift of love, though many times people are only concerned with getting paid, instead of delivering the proper services.  In the end this ration only limits what you attach to yourself.  Love is expansive, give love first and watch as all aspects of your life expand in the glory of your heart centered psychology.               

1 comment:

  1. Totally agree with you Michael and when we truly love there is absolutely no judgement.
