Friday, December 30, 2011

Holiday Blog - Peace on Earth and Goodwill to Mankind

As we cross the threshold and move into 2012, it is an opportunity to renew our thoughts and our actions to create a world that resonates with our dreams.  Much has been said about 2012 and the end of the Mayan Calendar.  The end signifies a new beginning, and it is time that this beginning represents a shift in consciousness. 

Let’s look at the word goodwill.  It signifies having a feeling of goodness for your fellow human beings.  When this goodness is filled with love, respect, peace and a tolerance that we are all brothers and sisters under the skin, we then create a cooperative harmony between all people.  As with new beginnings, this is an opportunity to let go and forgive old hurts and wounds that have stifled our ability to love.  When we open our hearts to love for the sake of love and realize that the only way someone can hurt us is for us to accept the hurtful feelings as reality. 

I used to love the Mr. Magoo comics because in his blindness he saw and imagined only the goodness coming from his fellow man.  When we allow ourselves to be in this state of mind and recognize the goodness coming from people and look for the goodness instead of concentrating on what is negative, our vibration by just doing this one thing will lift the vibration of earth to a loving state of fellowship between all people. 

As we go forward, realize the only thing you can change is your mind, and when you change your mind your attitude automatically changes – and what you are attracting to yourself also changes.  As we work to bring in the new, we relieve ourselves of the fear, suffering, worry and all the other non-love feelings that cause stress and take us from peace of mind.  Peace of mind is the start of peace on earth.  As we take responsibilities as individuals for our own peace, we then collectively form a movement where the peace starts to resonate with all we come in contact with.  It is so much of a domino effect that we can change the vibration on the planet and make up our minds to resolve all disagreements with love and coming from a loving state of mind. 

Infinite Intelligence, or the Vast Spirit, can only be recognized when we are in a state of love.  When we are angry, we shut off our relationship to our God-nature, and this allows us to justify our non-love feelings. 

I wish you love, peace and the power to use your mind to change the habits that no longer serve your being.  As we move forward, let’s all be responsible for our decisions and allow those decisions to ease the relationships between all people.   Loving our brothers and sisters will create a harmonic union between all people.  We can then live a life of love, peace and ease with the freedom to work, play and relax and keep us all in the rhythms of nature.  Love, Love, Love all we encounter.


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