Saturday, December 10, 2011

New Book by Michael Robin Collins

Testimonial from Kate Loving Schenk:

Michael Robin Collins' new book: "Ushering in the Golden age," is his gift of love to the world. I believe Michael has many more gifts for us waiting to be released for the transformation of the planet.

As I read "Ushering in the Golden Age," I wondered if the Golden Age is a utopian dream. As such, does that mean we have to wait for the world to catch up?

An evaluation of the word utopia was in order, for as we raise our own consciousness, the world around us suddenly becomes lighter, brighter and loving. This is exactly what the Golden Age is all about, as simple as it sounds.

Michael sprinkles the concept of "wordsmithing" throughout his book. For instance, in the process of becoming more conscious of the words we use to describe our state of health or mind,  we liberate ourselves to embrace positive mental attitudes.

As an example, I had a headache this morning and I wanted the headache to go away in 40 minutes. Instead of repeating to my subconscious mind, "I will be pain free in 40 minutes," I now said, "I am liberated in divine love now." Breaking this down equated to freedom with the "in" breath and divine love with the "out" breath. By replacing the word  pain with divine love and freedom, my subconscious mind allowed me to heal very quickly.

The headache disappeared almost instantaneously!

We must  find our own way in our own time to realize the Golden Age.  Michael reassures us that the Golden Age is already here. We can access it in the here and now.

All we have to do is make the decision to do so.

"Ushering in the Golden Age" will be available at  You can pre-order your copy now.

1 comment:

  1. Ditto Kate Loving Schenk: Michael Robin Collins' new book: "Ushering in the Golden age," is truly one of his gifts of love to the world. Michael has mastered one of the secrets from Ancient Wisdom, Law of Attraction and Quantum Physics. It is all rooted in Love. You are what you focus on, believe, think, feel and say. Beliefs and thoughts have a vibration and frequency of attraction. Feelings are stronger like a magnet. Language and words are a Breath of Qi (consciousness, energy, information, frequency, vibration and power) that start the manifestation process which leads to desires, behavior and actions that create our reality. We create our own Heaven or Hell. Primary consciousness is rooted in the Heart and allows us to tap into the realm of possibilities to create what we want as well as to heal ourself. Michael guides you to access the Golden Age. It is already here. Buy it. Read it. Share it.
